The Stakeholder Forum and the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) convened a side event on 24 August 2006, at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, to explore options for establishing an Ad-hoc Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) on Water and Sanitation.

The event, “What Can CSD 2008 do for the Water Agenda?” considered alternatives for preparing for the 2008 Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) review session, which is expected to devote a separate segment to monitor and follow up implementation of the decisions on water and sanitation and their interlinkages taken at the CSD’s thirteenth session. Sweden’s Environment Ambassador Viveka Bohn chaired the meeting. During the meeting, participants raised a variety of issues, including: the role a GPPN could play in preparing for the CSD’s discussions, especially in light of the time and resource constraints leading up to that session; the importance of engagement at the country level; and the possibilities for linking the GPPN to the CSD’s current “energy cycle.” Based on this discussion, the Stakeholder Forum and SIWI will revise their proposal for how the GPPN could move forward, and circulate it for comment and for organizations to state their interest to become part of the GPPN.
Links to further information
Stakeholder Forum website
Stockholm International Water Institute website
The meeting report