SPREP20 February 2013: The Climate Change Divsion of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has launched the February 2013 edition of its “Climate Change Matters” newsletter. The newsletter highlights SPREP’s and its partners’ climate change activities in the region.

The newsletter features articles on: efforts to assess the suitability of wind power in Vanuatu, through wind-monitoring in six provinces; a water cistern installation in Tuvalu; a national workshop in Tarawa, Kiribati, to train government officers in how to use cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in projects affected by climate change; the upcoming launch of a guide for Pacific Island Countries to undertake Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs); the launch of a climate change portal in Vanuatu; salt-resistant crop planting in the Solomon Islands; a tropical cyclone season outlook; and anticipated rainfall across the region. [Publication: SPREP Climate Change Matters Newsletter Issue 9] [SPREP Website] [Climate Change Matters Webpage]