9 November 2011: The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) is providing assistance to Pacific Island Countries (PIC) in the management of tuna fisheries, by organizing regional and national capacity building workshops on tuna data management.

SPC recently completed two weeks of workshops with the Government of Fiji’s Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Primary Industries and Sugar. Topics examined included national and regional data collection obligations, regional organizations’ role in tuna data collection, management and dissemination, and the components of national tuna data systems. Participants were also introduced to the TUFMAN reporting system, a comprehensive, integrated database system developed by SPC, and used by PIC fisheries offices.

SPC is conducting regional workshops to share best practices for gathering and preparing tuna data, to be used in managing the tuna fishery in the western and central Pacific, as well as national data workshops to facilitate implementation at country level. [SPC Press Release] [Website of Tuna Data Workshops]