slocat19 October 2015: An analysis of the 120 intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) submitted as of 6 October 2015 to the UNFCCC finds that over 75% of the INDCs include the transport sector as a source of mitigation potential. Carried out by the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), the analysis also finds that upward of 60% of INDCs include transport sector mitigation measures.

These more than 200 mitigation measures identified for the transport sector, according SLoCaT’s analysis, are strongly focused on passenger and urban transport. The findings indicate that freight, walking and cycling, high speed rail and aviation have received comparatively less attention. SLoCaT notes that freight transport is responsible for approximately 40% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but is mentioned in less than 20 INDCs.

Some INDCs (11%) have included direct transport sector emission reduction targets, while others have indirect targets, such as those focused on public transport mode share, renewable energy share, fuel consumption and fuel efficiency, according to the report. On adaptation, SLoCaT finds that 13% of INDCs mention the transport sector in general terms among climate adaptation measures, while 4% identify transport-specific adaptation strategies.

The preliminary recommendations resulting from the analysis include, inter alia: successively increasing the ambition of transport-related aspects in future INDCs; quantifying the investment requirements for proposed transport measures and complementing funding with the elimination of fossil-fuel subsidies; compiling country-level transport data at more regular intervals; and using knowledge products, such as those being created by the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC) to aid national climate planning entities in determining transport sector mitigation potential and targets. [SLoCaT Press Release] [SLoCaT and PPMC Key Findings Fact Sheet] [PPMC Press Release]