The Adaptation Fund (AF) met for its sixth meeting in Bonn, Germany, from 15-17 June 2009, and was informed about the first sales of CERs on behalf of the Fund. The meeting advanced in completing its Operational Guidelines, which are expected to be adopted at the next meeting and will enable the Fund to initiate the accreditation process and call for project proposals. Two countries put forward offers to confer legal capacity and to host the Adaptation Fund Board: Germany and Barbados. A decision in this regard is expected to be taken at the next Board meeting, for endorsement by the Kyoto Protocol parties at their December meeting in Copenhagen. The Board also established two Committees, the Ethics and Finance Committee and the Project and Program Review Committee, and thanked the students from the Marienschule, a High School in Euskirchen, Germany, for collecting and donating Euros 117.09 as the first voluntary contribution to the Fund. The next Board meeting will convene Bonn on 14-16 September 2009.
Link to further information
AF press release, 6 July 2009