On 13 March 2009, environment and fisheries ministers from six Asia Pacific countries considered a draft Regional Action Plan for the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) on coral reefs, fisheries and food security, which establish a framework to tackle coastal and marine resource degradation in the Coral Triangle ecosystem.

Ministers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste are working to ensure the sustainable management of the Coral Triangle, a region abundant in marine life and biodiversity holding more than 75% of the known corals and over 3,000 species of fish. So far, the Coral Triangle Initiative, supported by the Global Environment Facility and the Asian Development Bank has generated commitments or pledges of around US$400 million. The Plan is expected to be endorsed by heads of state at a CTI Leaders Summit in Manado, Indonesia, in May 2009. A World Ocean Conference will take place prior to the CTI Summit.
Link to further information
ADB press release, 13 March 2009