UN-HABITAT19 September 2012: Siemens AG opened the Crystal, a new global urban sustainability center, in London, the UK, which served as the venue for the inaugural “Urban Planning for City Leaders” conference, co-hosted by the UN Human Settlements Programmed (UN-HABITAT) and Siemens AG.

The Crystal, a £30 million exhibition centre, aims to improve urban sustainability knowledge and explore how sustainable policies and technology can improve urban quality of life. It houses the Siemens’ Centre of Competence Cities, a team of urban sustainability experts and an exhibition exploring the future of cities across the world.

Noting the importance of cities in sustainability efforts and combating climate change, Peter Löscher, President and CEO, Siemens AG, said the Crystal will be open to everyone as “an independent platform to facilitate dialogue, research and discussion” to “generate new ideas and innovative solutions for a more sustainable future.” In his remarks at the conference, Joan Clos, UN-HABITAT Executive Director, stressed sustainable urban design, stating “urban design is forever, not for next week. The layout of streets lasts for centuries or millennia. We had better do it well.”

The Crystal generates its own electricity using solar power and ground source heat pumps, storing excess electrical energy in a giant battery for use during times of low supply. Siemens anticipates that carbon dioxide emissions will be 65 percent lower than in comparable office buildings. Additional innovations include black water treatment, rainwater harvesting, insulated glass and electric car charging stations that will be part of the Source London charging network. It opens to the public on 29 September. [The Crystal website] [Siemens Press Release on The Crystal] [Siemens Fact Sheet on The Crystal] [IISD RS story on UN-HABITAT Conference and “Urban Planning for City Leaders” Guide]