sids201414 August 2013: Logistical details of the Inter-Regional Preparatory Meeting (IPM) in Preparation for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have been released for delegates. The meeting will take place from 26-28 August 2013, in Bridgetown, Barbados.

Delegates will be met by IPM Liaison Officers upon arrival at the airport for assistance with Immigration and Customs, and visa exemptions will be made for delegates with advance notice. The Government of Barbados has arranged to provide transportation to and from the airport, lodging and meeting venue for delegates. Registration will take place from 8:00-8:30 AM on 26 August.

The IPM will be conducted in English, with simultaneous translation to Spanish and French. Heads of Delegations with special requests should contact their Liaison Officers in advance. [IPM Information for Delegates] [SIDS 2014 Conference Website][IISD RS coverage of SIDS Conference preparatory meetings]