vii_cumbre_de_las_americas12 April 2015: The Seventh Summit of the Americas met under the theme, ‘Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas,’ and discussed education, health, energy, environment, migration, security, citizen participation and democratic governance, among other topics. Addressing the Summit, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commended the region’s contribution to defining the post-2015 development agenda and to discussions on climate-related issues. He noted that Caribbean countries have played a particularly significant role in placing climate issues on the global agenda.

The Summit took place on 10-11 April 2015, in Panama City, Panama. As Ban noted, this was the first time all 35 Member States of the Americas, including Cuba, were participating in the Summit. Speaking at the closing ceremony, Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez, President of Panama, stressed that energy is central to sustainable development, and said the Summit had agreed on: actions that will guarantee access to energy from a range of environmentally friendly, economically affordable and reliable sources; and mandates for the protection, conservation, restoration and correct stewardship of the environment.

Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), addressed two forums held in conjunction with the Summit. At the University Presidents’ Forum 2015, she said the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region requires a structural change that considers diversifying production structures and strengthening knowledge- and technology- intensive sectors. She also spoke on economic growth and social inclusion, at the Civil Society and Social Actors Forum.

During a CEO Summit of the Americas on ‘Working Together: Public-Private Partnership for Sustainable Development,’ Ban emphasized the important role of business for success in the 2015 processes, and in implementing their outcomes. He stressed that the new global development agenda and combating climate change will require resources, technology and capacity, noting the importance of private sources and partnerships in this regard. Observing that social and environmental responsibility is becoming mainstream, he pointed to corporate social responsibility initiatives, investors’ move away from fossil fuels, and increasing minimum wages. He said companies should: support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), help implement the post-2015 development agenda, mobilize financing for development and help the international community reach agreement at the Paris Climate Change Conference.

The Summit of the Americas convenes every three years, to enable countries to define a regional agenda, address pressing challenges and inspire positive change. The Eighth Summit of the Americas will take place in Peru in 2018. [Seventh Summit of the Americas Website] [UN Press Release] [Statement by President of Panama] [UN Secretary-General Statement to Summit of Americas] [UN Secretary-General Statement to CEO Summit]