Captura de pantalla 2015-12-17 a la(s) 11.24.3424 November 2015: The second annual Busan Global Partnership Forum discussed the role of effective development cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and considered how the existing international framework for monitoring development effectiveness can become more relevant to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) hosted the Forum in Seoul, from 23-24 November 2015, bringing together members of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC), including 200 participants from international organizations, governments, the private sector and civil society.

The first plenary session of the Forum considered a discussion paper prepared by Development Initiatives in consultation with the MFA, titled, ‘The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation’s Contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’ The authors note some congruence between the approaches of the GPEDC and the 2030 Agenda, emphasizing that GPEDC focuses on development partnerships rather than a North-South donor-recipient model, similar to the 2030 Agenda’s highlighting of multi-stakeholder partnerships to mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources. The authors recommend that the GPEDC monitoring framework be revised to include a wider range of actors and extend its targets beyond the current 2015 time frame. They suggest the GPEDC could seek to become a qualitative data source for a number of individual means of implementation (MOI) indicators under the SDGs, or could offer a complementary report that considers development effectiveness in the context of the SDGs.

Besides the 2030 Agenda, the Forum considered the role of development effectiveness in private sector partnerships, and in a fragile states context. [Publication: The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation’s Contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development] [GPEDC Press Release] [Development Initiatives Reports for Forum]