6 November 2017: The second edition of the “Energy Efficiency Magazine” for the Bonn Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 23), which is published by AOB Group, a Moroccan Business Consulting Group, and supported by the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), features a range of initiatives highlighting opportunities for, and benefits of, increasing energy efficiency.

The magazine focuses on emerging markets, highlighting the positive sustainable development impacts of energy efficiency projects across Africa and the Americas. Projects reviewed include a Moroccan mineral slurry pipeline connecting phosphate mines directly to processing plants, LED city lighting upgrades in Casablanca, and work by the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership in South Africa to deploy clean energy technologies and systems in municipal infrastructure.

“Energy efficiency improvements have the potential to result in the largest global contribution to global emissions reductions.” – Benoît Lebot, IPEEC Executive Director

In his introduction, Saïd Mouline, CEO of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE), highlights the necessity for countries to implement national energy policy in order to meet their Nationally Determined Commitments (NDCs), contending that such policies facilitate economic growth. Benoît Lebot, IPEEC Executive Director, reviews efforts by the G2o to promote international cooperation to improve energy efficiency, noting that energy efficiency improvements have the potential to result in the largest global contribution to global emissions reductions.

Articles also underscore the impact that capacity-building projects have in promoting systemic improvements in energy efficiency. The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) provides an overview of its work in building competencies and skills to support energy management in industrial enterprises, while the Efficiency Valuation Organization presents its training program to qualify individuals to certify savings of energy efficiency projects.

Publication of the magazine is supported by IPEEC, an autonomous partnership of 17 countries created to promote collaboration on and accelerate adoption of energy efficiency policies and projects. First launched for the 2016 COP 22, the second edition is being distributed free of charge at the 2017 COP 23 in Bonn, Germany. [Energy Efficiency Magazine] [IPEEC Press Release] [IPEEC Website]