Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals15 May 2015: The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) has finalized its proposal for 100 global monitoring indicators to track progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also includes suggestions for Complementary National Indicators, and notes that together these two sets of indicators would track the full range of SDGs and targets in an integrated, clear and effective manner.

‘Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for Sustainable Development Goals: Launching a Data Revolution’ is presented as a report to the UN Secretary-General from the SDSN Leadership Council. SDSN will continue to update its list of Global Monitoring Indicators (GMIs) “as experts agree on metrics or new ones are developed.

The report incorporates input from a public consultation process in early 2014 and another consultation in early 2015, as well as UN system recommendations, such as the report of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the SDGs, the UN Secretary-General’s synthesis report on the post-2015 development agenda, and the conclusions of the Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development (IEAG).

In the executive summary to the report, SDSN expresses confidence “that it is possible to measure the full spectrum of SDGs and their targets through a compact indicator framework.” It also notes that: the focus of SDG monitoring is likely to take place at the national level, with complementary monitoring at regional and global levels, and additional, thematic monitoring and review as “an important complement;” 100 is the maximum number of global indicators on which national statistical offices (NSOs) can report and communicate effectively; and all SDG indicators need to be considered as an integrated package and must work in harmony with one another, as progress in one area often depends on progress in other areas.

In addition to its recommended indicators, the report also outlines ten principles for GMIs, such as being: limited in number; simple and intuitive; in line with international standards; relevant to all countries and all people; and able to be disaggregated to track progress for all relevant groups. It says SDG indicators should be reported annually, though not all data will be produced annually.

The report also identifies technical priorities for developing an effective indicator framework for the SDGs in the coming months, such as filling gaps in available indicators; harnessing new, innovative sources of data; and moving toward annual monitoring.

SDSN calls for establishing a Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, and raising US$1 billion for SDG monitoring, including half from domestic resource mobilization and additional funds from “incremental ODA.” [Publication Webpage] [Executive Summary] [IISD RS Story on March Draft]