The UN Global Compact launched an initiative to help companies integrate the SDGs into their businesses. The ‘SDG Ambition’ initiative provides a management framework that will help businesses and organizations incorporate the SDGs into their operations, and to measure and manage their progress towards achieving sustainability targets and goals. 

SDG Ambition aims to establish a more strategic “new normal” for the business community.

Launched on 23 January 2020 in Davos, Switzerland, during the World Economic Forum (WEF) by Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General and UN Global Compact Board Chair, the SDG Ambition initiative aims to establish a bolder and more strategic “new normal” for the business community. The initiative reflects the need for companies to increase their ambition to achieve the SDGs and to more fully integrate the Goals into their operations.

SDG Ambition seeks to empower and equip UN Global Compact partnership companies to develop and implement innovative business strategies that increase their positive impact on the SDGs. It aims to engage more than 1,000 companies across a range of industries in more than 40 countries. UN Global Compact Local Networks in more than 60 countries will lead the initiative’s implementation, through which participating companies will be able to assess performance, identify risks, and take the necessary actions to achieve the SDGs.

The initiative is undertaken in partnership with SAP and Accenture. SAP Co-CEO Jennifer Morgan explained that by bringing together respective areas of expertise, businesses can be empowered to use “technology for good” and accelerate realization of the SDGs.

A companion publication titled, ‘SDG Ambition – Scaling Business Impact for the Decade of Action,’ shares the Global Compact’s new SDG Implementation Framework, which seeks to guide companies to deepen integration of the SDGs and the Compact’s Ten Principles into business strategy, operations and stakeholder engagement.

SAP, which focuses on the software and computer services sector, helps companies with their operations by simplifying technology and providing applications and services. Accenture provides services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. [UN Global Compact News Story] [SDG Ambition Website]