16 March 2018: In preparation for the Bonn Climate Change Conference, the Chair of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) issued an initial draft of the technology framework established under the Paris Agreement on climate change. The UNFCCC Secretariat issued a compilation of capacity-building activities, and a report on implementation of the framework for capacity building in developing countries.

Preparations for the Bonn Climate Change Conference, taking place from 30 April to 10 May 2018, are underway. An informal document by the SBSTA Chair titled, ‘Initial draft of the technology framework’ (SBSTA48.Informal.1), seeks to facilitate Parties’ further deliberations on and elaboration of the technology framework. The document outlines the purpose and principles of, and five key themes for, the technology framework: innovation, implementation, enabling environment and capacity building, collaboration and stakeholder engagement, and support.

The draft contextualizes and proposes possible actions for each area of work. For innovation, possible actions could include collaborative research, development and demonstration (RD&D), promotion of enabling policy and finance for innovation, and engagement of private sector and public-private partnerships (PPPs). For implementation, actions could include technology needs assessments (TNAs), addressing barriers to implementation and private sector engagement.

The draft of the technology framework proposes possible actions under five key themes: innovation, implementation, enabling environment and capacity building, collaboration and stakeholder engagement, and support.

For enabling environment and capacity building, actions could include enhancement of public awareness, promotion of an investment-friendly environment, and formulation and analysis of comprehensive information on capacity-building activities in all stages of the technology cycle. For collaboration and stakeholder engagement, the draft proposes engagement with key stakeholders and collaboration with other organizations, institutions and initiatives. Under support, suggested actions include provision of support, and monitoring and provision of information on support. [Initial Draft of Technology Framework]

The compilation of capacity-building activities undertaken by bodies established under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol (FCCC/SBI/2018/3/Add.1), prepared to inform discussions taking place at the seventh meeting of the Durban Forum on Capacity-building and the first meeting of the PCCB, synthesizes information on capacity building contained in reports published by relevant bodies established under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol and by the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and the Adaptation Fund Board from 1 January to 31 December 2017. [Compilation of Capacity-building Activities Undertaken by Bodies Established under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol]

A synthesis report by the Secretariat titled, ‘Implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries’ (FCCC/SBI/2018/5), seeks to assist Parties in reviewing progress in the implementation of the capacity-building framework and identifying areas that require additional capacity-building support. Prepared to support the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) in its annual monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the framework for capacity building in developing countries, it will also serve as input to the work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB). [Implementation of Framework for Capacity-building in Developing Countries]

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The SDG Knowledge Hub publishes regular capacity building and technology updates that can be found under the tag Climate Change Capacity Building and Technology Update.