2 December 2012: A two-day event challenging programmers to develop software solutions to sanitation problems has led to the creation of a range of applications for diverse purposes, including apps to find public toilets, reduce food waste, and help people synchronize water collection with electricity availability.

The Sanitation Hackathon, supported by the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Random Hacks of Kindness, Eirene, Nokia, Open Cities and Civic Commons, took place in several cities around the world.

The hackathon invited young programmers to develop innovative software applications addressing sanitation problem statements that had been defined in the weeks leading up to the event. Several hundred programmers took part in the event.

In the Philippines, the Sanitation Hackathon took place in six cities: Baguio, Bacolod, Cebu, Davao, Makati and Zamboanga. Events also took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh; Islamabad, Pakistan; and Pune, India; among other cities. Software solutions developed included a data-matching application to cross-reference local needs with NGO resources; a personal coach communicating in the local language and using artificial intelligence to learn behavior patterns; a guide to find public toilets; and an application to connect consumers with local farmers and post market prices.

Developers will have post-event support in order to scale up their projects. The Sanitation Hackathon builds on the success of the World Bank-organized Water Hackathon in October 2011. [Sanitation Hackathon Website]