SAICMDecember 2014: Ahead of the second meeting of the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG 2) of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM), the Secretariat of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) has released a set of documents, including on orientation and guidance for achieving sound management of chemicals, regional priorities, and the sound management of chemicals and waste in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

OEWG 2 convenes from 15-17 December 2014, in Geneva, Switzerland.

The overall orientation and guidance for achieving the 2020 goal of sound management of chemicals (SAICM/OEWG.2/4) addresses progress in implementing the Overarching Policy Strategy, including on risk reduction, knowledge and information, governance, capacity building, technical cooperation and illegal international traffic. It also includes a section on guidance towards achieving the 2020 goal, with sub-sections on: enhancing stakeholder responsibility; strengthening national legislative and regulatory frameworks for chemicals; and mainstreaming sound management of chemicals in the sustainable development agenda. The document also discusses: optimizing the use of resources towards achieving the 2020 goal; and a global approach for continued collaboration in the long term.

The summary of the outcomes of the Strategic Approach 2013-2014 regional priority-setting workshops and resolutions adopted at the regional meetings (SAICM /OEWG.2/3) says some regions noted progress related to: strengthened global and regional capacity and mechanisms that support sound chemicals management; measures to integrate chemicals management into strategies for development assistance, sustainable development and poverty reduction papers; development of national profiles and implementation of action plans; strengthened policy, law and regulatory frameworks and promotion of compliance and enforcement; promoting and supporting participation by all sectors of civil society, particularly women, workers and indigenous communities, in regulatory and other decision-making processes related to chemical safety; and strengthened knowledge and information, in particular improved education, training and awareness-raising activities.

Participants at the regional meetings also identified a number of elements required to achieve the 2020 goal, including: strengthened capacity to deal with chemicals accidents, including poisonings; chemical risk assessment through use of best practices; collection and systems for the sharing of data and information among all relevant stakeholders using a life-cycle approach; legal frameworks that address the life cycle of chemicals and waste; national, sub-regional and regional enforcement and compliance mechanisms; industry participation and responsibility, including cost recovery policies and systems, as well as the incorporation of sound chemicals management into corporate policies and practices; and inclusion of chemicals in national budgeting, processes and development plans.

The document on sound management of chemicals and waste in the context of the SDGs (SAICM/OEWG.2/9) explains that air pollution and health impacts of chemical hazards and pollution are targeted in the proposed health-related goal, while the sound management of hazardous chemicals and waste is reflected in the proposed targets, including those related to water resources and sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns.

The document underscores that the OEWG may wish to reflect on: the advantages of explicit inclusion of the successful implementation of SAICM as a measure to achieve many proposed SDG targets; and how the proposed SDGs can help catalyze implementation of sound chemicals management at the country level. [OEWG 2 Website] [Publication: Overall Orientation and Guidance for Achieving the 2020 Goal of Sound Management of Chemicals] [Publication: Summary of the outcomes of the Strategic Approach 2013-2014 regional priority-setting workshops and resolutions adopted at the regional meetings] [Publication: Sound management of chemicals and waste in the context of the sustainable development goals] [IISD RS Coverage of OEWG 2]