5 November 2012: The 12th Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change considered the theme “Scaling-Up Strategies to Reduce Emissions and Advance Development in Forest Areas.” The event was organized by RRI in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, and convened at the Newseum in Washington, DC, US, on 5 November 2012. Over 150 participants from about 20 countries, including representatives from governments, NGOs, community and Indigenous Peoples organizations, international organizations and the academic community, attended the event.

Expert panel sessions framed discussion on the following four agenda items: expanding adoption of sustainable supply chains in the forestry and agribusiness sectors; lessons learned from the extractive and infrastructure sectors in promoting forest conservation, tenure and governance reforms, and community benefits; innovative approaches to leverage finance and investment for tenure and governance reforms in forest areas; and summary and next steps. The event was organized to accelerate learning and sharing among different sectors.

Participants discussed the drivers of deforestation and incentives that might change supply chains and the extractive industry, proposals related to tenure risk analysis and tenure reform, the use of social and environmental standards, the importance of the free-flow of information and identification of investors’ risks, specific case studies, and the importance of addressing the rights of Indigenous Peoples, women and other marginalized groups, among other issues. [IISD RS coverage of the RRI Dialogue]