The co-facilitators of the intergovernmental preparatory process of the Summit of the Future (SoF) have circulated a revised draft of the Pact for the Future. The draft will serve as the basis for the third reading, which will begin with an ambassadorial-level meeting on 28 May 2024.

In their letter dated 14 May 2024, Antje Leendertse, Permanent Representative of Germany, and Neville Melvin Gertze, Permanent Representative of Namibia, inform Member States that the comments they received on the zero draft during the second reading “have been instrumental in shaping this draft.” They also recognize the contributions Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) and civil society provided in the lead-up to and during the UN Civil Society Conference as a source of “valuable insights and inspiration.”

In developing the revised draft, the co-facilitators sought to uphold commitment to a strategic Pact that: is appropriate for Heads of State and Government; is characterized by a high level of ambition; and contains actionable deliverables that reinvigorate multilateralism and boost the implementation of existing commitments. Guided by these principles, the co-facilitators endeavored to streamline the compilation text developed following the conclusion of the second reading while avoiding duplication and enhancing the Pact’s action-oriented nature in substance as well as in structure.

The co-facilitators’ letter further states that for the talks to focus on substance, language proposals made during the third reading “will not be attributed to individual delegations” and no call for the submission of written inputs will be issued. With the negotiations taking place “in the room,” the co-facilitators “strongly encourage the coordination and participation in regional or thematic interest groups, where feasible.”

The revised draft, which the co-facilitators presented to delegations on 15 May, formulates 52 actions to be taken for:

  • Sustainable development and financing for development (FfD);
  • International peace and security;
  • Science, technology, and innovation (STI) and digital cooperation;
  • Youth and future generations; and
  • Transforming global governance.

Several actions underpin each chapter, and each action is complemented by several additional actions that are more specific.

In a letter dated 9 May 2024, the co-facilitators outline a roadmap to guide the negotiations. Following the ambassadorial-level meeting on 28 May, during which delegations are invited to provide general comments, the third reading will continue section by section, with meetings scheduled through 3 July.

The order chapters will be taken up – 2-1-5-3-4 – aims “to allow for the coordination of groups and to take into account scheduled consultations of other mandated processes.” Negotiations on each chapter will last an estimated three to six meetings days. The chapeau will be negotiated “at a later stage, once there is greater clarity on the content and concrete deliverables of the five chapters.” The co-facilitators will update the roadmap on a rolling basis.

The Summit of the Future in September is expected to adopt an ambitious and action-oriented Pact for the Future by consensus. Other anticipated outcomes include a Declaration on Future Generations and a Global Digital Compact. [Letter from the President of the General Assembly of 14 May 2024] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on Zero Draft Pact for the Future]