19 October 2011: The Global Network Conference on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) has concluded with the adoption of a declaration highlighting the role of RECP for achieving green growth and addressing climate change.

The Conference, which was held from 17-18 October 2011, in Nairobi, Kenya, was organized under the joint UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)-UN Environment Programme (UNEP) programme on RECP. Its purpose was to discuss and disseminate emerging trends and new applications in RECP, and to build a community of practice among member RECP service providers.

The declaration was endorsed by 30 members of the Global Network for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP net) and ten other providers of RECP services. It emphasizes the need to improve resource productivity and environmental performance of businesses and other organizations to achieve low carbon, resource-efficient and green industrialization, and stresses the potential of RECP to advance the three sustainability dimensions of: production efficiency and competitiveness; environmental management; and safe and responsible production.

The declaration also expresses members’ commitment to engage with governments, businesses and community leaders to foster the achievement of international consensus and commitment towards RECP as a core building block for a green economy and green industry for achieving green growth, including in contribution to the preparatory process for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20) and the climate technology mechanism under the UNFCCC. Members also committed to support the wide-spread adaptation and adoption of RECP concepts, methods, policies and techniques. [UNIDO Announcement] [Switch-Asia Announcement] [Nairobi Declaration of the Global Network for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Developing and Transition Countries]