13 May 2011: The reports of the 49th meeting of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Methodologies Panel (Meth Panel), the 32nd meeting of the CDM Afforestation and Reforestation Working Group (A/R WG), and the 31st meeting of the CDM Small Scale Working Group (SSC WG) are now available on the CDM website.

The Meth Panel held its 49th meeting from 2-6 May 2011, in Bonn, Germany, to consider issues relating to methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans. At the meeting, the Panel considered 16 proposed new CDM methodologies, and agreed to recommend three for approval, one for non-approval, and make preliminary recommendations (technical clarifications requested by the Panel from project participants before finalizing its recommendation to the CDM Executive Board) for three. It was unable to conclude its consideration of the remaining nine. The three methodologies recommended for approval are: energy efficiency and fuel switching measures in new buildings; nitrous oxide abatement in new capacity nitric acid plants; and nitrous oxide abatement in new nitric acid plants.

Regarding the development of new methodologies and tools, the Panel agreed to address this task by initiating in 2011 work on the development of two new methodologies, for two project types: renewable power generation in isolated systems, for finalization by the 51st Panel meeting; and rice cultivation, for finalization in 2012. The Panel also considered requests for revision related to the application of approved baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools; and clarifications to approved methodologies and tools.

Regarding requests for revision of approved methodologies, the Panel agreed to, inter alia, approve a draft revision of the approved methodology “Incineration of HFC 23 waste streams.” The revisions include options for consideration by the Executive Board with regard to: the cap on the amount of HFC-23 formed per amount of HCFC-22 produced (baseline HFC-23 generation rate); and whether HFC-23 emissions from HCFC-22 production lines that are not eligible for crediting should be accounted as project emissions.

The A/R WG held its 32nd meeting from 9-11 May 2011, in Bonn, Germany, to consider issues relating to A/R CDM project activities. The WG considered one proposed new A/R methodology titled “Afforestation and reforestation of degraded tidal forest habitats,” which it agreed to recommend for approval by the CDM Executive Board. It also considered requests for clarifications to approved A/R methodologies. The WG also considered the issue of accounting of root biomass of a coppice forest subject to harvesting and agreed to initiate revision of the tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities.” In addition, in response to a request by COP/MOP 6 for development of alternative approaches for demonstration and assessment of additionality, the A/R WG agreed to recommend the draft “Guidelines for demonstrating additionality in A/R CDM project activities,” which identify conditions under which A/R CDM project activities are considered additional.

The SSC WG held its 31st meeting from 9-12 May 2011, in Bonn, Germany, to consider issues relating to small-scale CDM project activities. It considered a proposed new small-scale methodology, titled “Introduction of natural gas in the fuel mix of iron-ore pellet induration process,” which it agreed not to recommend because its use would require a rigorous procedure that runs counter to the need to keep small-scale methodologies simplified. Regarding the development of new methodologies and tools, the SSC WG prepared a top-down draft methodology for low-flow showerhead hot water saving devices, to be used for determining emission reductions associated with reduced water heating requirements based on installation of low-flow showerheads in residences. The WG further considered requests for revisions of, and clarifications to, approved small-scale methodologies. [Meth Panel Report] [A/R WG Report] [SSC WG Report]