comifac-cbfpFebruary 2015: The Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) and the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) released the ‘State of the Forest Report’ for the Congo Basin highlighting the ongoing loss of biodiversity and forest cover in the region.

The report is unique compared to previous editions in that it considers not just dense rainforests, but also forests in savannas and steppes, agroforestry and forest plantations. Furthermore, because of the increase in forest research carried out in the region, the 2013 report is able to present a more complete picture of the state of forests.

Overall, the report concludes that biodiversity continues to be lost, in part because laws to prevent wildlife trafficking are not yet yielding results and invasive species continue to expand. On the other hand, the report notes that sustainable management practices adopted by the logging industries in some countries is changing overall supply chain sustainability; although it is noted that the Congo Basin still accounts for only 1% of the global supply of tropical timber.

Other issues covered in the report include: climate change adaptation and REDD+, forest and land use practices and trends, forests and rural societies, tree domestication, and the role of plantations in meeting market needs.

The report is the result of a multi-partner initiative focused on stakeholder engagement through planning and validation workshops. The process was led by COMIFAC, which for the next two years will be under the presidency of the Government of Burundi. [CBFP Press Release] [Publication: The Forests of the Congo Basin – State of the Forest 2013] [CBFP Press Release]