November 2017: AdaptationWatch has issued a publication titled, ‘Toward Implementation: The 2017 AdaptationWatch Report,’ recommending a set of actions for moving forward on adaptation under the Paris Agreement on climate change. In related news, Chile has submitted its National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

The 2017 AdaptationWatch report analyzes the changes in approaches to adaptation since the UNFCCC’s inception, highlights the gap between funding for adaptation and funding for mitigation, and outlines key challenges for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in accessing climate finance, particularly from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The report urges UNFCCC Parties to continue to assess vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems by identifying synergies among traditional and local knowledge in order to formulate reliable socioeconomic and environmental policies.

The 2017 AdaptationWatch Report recommends that Parties, inter alia, simplify and support efforts to increase climate finance readiness; co-design adaptation action with local communities; and reorient capacity building efforts to focus on the long term.

The publication examines monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) practices in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. It discusses accountability in climate adaptation, highlighting the need for common methodologies, clear reporting guidelines and capacity building for reporting to enhance transparency, promote accountability, and ensure that the support developing countries need fully aligns with the support they receive.

The report recommends that Parties: “commit to the era of adaptation implementation”; increase finance for adaptation; define adaptation in a clear and widely accepted way; outline a robust reporting system with common accounting methodologies; move towards substantive assessments of progress on adaptation; ensure that finance goes to the most vulnerable and under-supported; consider in-country issues with communication and coordination; simplify and support efforts to increase climate finance readiness; co-design adaptation action with local communities; and reorient capacity building efforts to focus on the long term. [Toward Implementation: The 2017 AdaptationWatch Report]

On 7 September 2017, Chile submitted its NAP to the UN Climate Change Secretariat, including on agriculture, biodiversity, and fisheries and aquaculture. [Chile’s NAP (in Spanish)] [Agriculture NAP (in Spanish)] [Biodiversity NAP (in Spanish)] [Fisheries and Aquaculture NAP (in Spanish)] [UNFCCC NAP Central]

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