14 October 2010: The report of the 57th meeting of the Clean Developing Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board, which was held from 12-14 October 2010, in Bonn, Germany, is now available on the CDM website.At the meeting, the Board considered matters relating to the operation of the CDM, including: accreditation of operational entities; methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans; resources for the work on the CDM and the CDM management plan; guidance to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP); and relations with designated operational and applicant entities and other stakeholders.

Regarding the accreditation of operational entities, the Board considered a summary of the public inputs received on the draft “Procedures regarding the correction of significant deficiencies and excess issuance of CERs.” It also considered that the COP/MOP may need to revise its current decisions to facilitate a fair and efficient procedure to address such situations. The Board agreed to recommend that the COP/MOP request the Board to adopt and apply, as required on an interim basis, a procedure to address any significant deficiencies in validation or verification reports, following a review of the CDM modalities and procedures, particularly the provisions requiring: suspension of a designated operational entity (DOE) prior to the application of such procedure; appointment of a second DOE to conduct the review or correct the deficiency; and units to be cancelled within 30 days of the end of the review. The Board further requested the Secretariat to continue to revise this draft procedure, taking account of comments received, including with regard to the scope and nature of the liability. With regard to information on DOE performance, the Board agreed on which information should be made publicly available, and under which form.

The Board also considered other guidance to the COP/MOP, particularly with regard to the appeals procedure and the annual report to the COP/MOP. On the appeals procedure, the Board agreed to recommend the annexed “Procedure for appeals against rulings by the CDM Executive Board regarding requests for registration or issuance” to the sixth session of the COP/MOP, to take place in Cancun, Mexico, at the end of 2010. Regarding the identity of the appellate body, the Board agreed to recommend that the COP/MOP consider the following options: the Enforcement Branch of the Compliance Committee; a new body under the authority of the COP/MOP; an official designated by the Executive Secretary to establish ad hoc or standing appeals panels; the Board itself to establish ad hoc or standing appeals panels; or any other body considered appropriate by the COP/MOP. Finally, the Board also approved its annual report to COP/MOP 6, which covers the period 17 October 2009 to 14 October 2010, and requested the Secretariat to finalize the report in cooperation with the Chair of the Board in order to include the outcomes of this meeting. Once the report has undergone official editing, it will be available on the UNFCCC website. [EB 57 Report]