17 June 2010: The Report of the 22nd Meeting of the Joint Implementation (JI) Supervisory Committee (JISC), which was held from 15-16 June 2010, in Bonn, Germany, is now available on the JI website.
At the meeting, the JISC considered matters relating to the operation of JI, including: the determination and verification reports; the means to enhance outreach activities to improve overall understanding of JI; experiences with the JI verification procedure under the JISC; and the annual report of the JISC to the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP).
Regarding the accreditation of independent entities, the JISC considered ongoing work of the JI Accreditation Panel on the further revision of the JI accreditation standard and the Panel’s recommendation regarding the signing of contracts with project participants for determination and verification work by entities affiliated with an accredited independent entity (AIE). The JISC agreed to maintain the current requirement that only AIEs may sign contracts with project participants for determination and verification work, and that entities affiliated with AIEs shall not sign such contracts. Regarding the JI management plan and resources for the work on JI, the JISC noted the information provided by the Secretariat on the financial status and budget projection, including the significant shortfall in voluntary contributions to fund the current activities of the JISC and the Secretariat. It agreed that its current financing model, which relies on voluntary contributions by parties, is not sustainable. It also agreed to cancel its 23rd and 24th meetings in September and December, and to hold an extraordinary meeting instead in October 2010 to finalize the JISC annual report to COP/MOP 6.
The JISC also considered legal matters concerning the participation in JI of parties awaiting inclusion in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol, particularly in regard to the participation of Belarus and Kazakhstan. It agreed to recommend to the COP/MOP that the Secretariat may accept project design documents for JI projects for publication and that the JISC may consider these projects in accordance with the JI guidelines, before the amendment to include the host party in Protocol Annex B enters into force, noting that the party may issue and transfer emission reduction units only after the entry into force of the amendment to include it in Annex B.
In conjunction with its 22nd meeting, the JISC also held roundtable consultations with interested stakeholders on 14 June 2010, at the same venue, which focused on: the concept of materiality in JI; changes to projects during implementation; experiences with the verification procedure under the JISC; and outreach activities on JI. The aim of the consultations was to provide an opportunity for interested stakeholders with practical experience and knowledge of JI to meet with the JISC for an open discussion, and to share their views on the identified issues. [JISC 22 Report] [Roundtable Consultations]