7 May 2010: The report and annexes of the 25th meeting of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Small Scale Working Group (SSC WG), which was held from 26-29 April 2010, in Bonn, Germany, are now available on the CDM website. At the meeting, the SSC WG considered issues relating to baseline and monitoring methodologies for small-scale CDM project activities.
The SSC WG considered six requests for the creation of new SSC methodologies, and agreed not to recommend four of the proposed new methodologies. The Group agreed to continue to consider one request after seeking further input from the project proponents, as well as expert inputs on various issues. It agreed to recommend one of the proposed new methodologies, titled “installation of cogeneration or trigeneration systems supplying energy to commercial buildings.”
On the top-down development of methodologies, the SSC WG considered a draft “Framework for Estimating Greenhouse-Gas Reductions from Replacing Fuel-based Lighting with LED Systems,” based on expert inputs, as a first step towards developing a methodology in the area, and requested the CDM Executive Board to open a call for public input on specific issues related to the elements of this proposed methodology. The SSC WG also considered simplified modalities for demonstrating additionality in response to a request from the CDM Executive Board, and taking into account public inputs received, agreed to recommend simplified modalities for demonstrating additionality for project activities up to five megawatts that employ renewable energy as their primary technology, and for energy efficiency project activities that aim to achieve energy savings at a scale of no more than 20 gigawatt hours per year. [Meeting Report]