25 March 2011: The report of the 24th meeting of the Joint Implementation (JI) Supervisory Committee (JISC), which was held from 23-25 March 2011, in Bonn, Germany, is now available on the JI website.

The JISC considers matters relating to the operation of JI project activities, including: accreditation of independent entities; matters relating to determination and verification reports; collaboration of the JISC with others; applicability of JI rules and guidelines to published project design documents under the verification procedure; and relations with stakeholders, and inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

At the meeting and on general guidance relating to the accreditation of independent entities, the JISC considered the document “Measures to Streamline and Further Improve the JI Accreditation Process and Functioning,” containing options and proposals for streamlining JI accreditation. The JISC agreed on Option 2, which proposes aligning the steps of the JI accreditation procedure with the steps of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) accreditation procedure (for example, desk review, on-site assessment and performance assessments), and to include additional elements of Option 3 that are easily implementable. Option 3 proposes aligning the JI accreditation process (procedure, standard and functioning) with the CDM accreditation process steps and carrying out combined/joint assessment resulting in two reports for decision making by the two accreditation panels (JI and CDM). It requested the JI-Accreditation Panel, with the support of the Secretariat, to revise the relevant regulatory documents accordingly for consideration at its next meeting. It also agreed to discuss areas for improvement in the accreditation process based on the experience so far.

The JISC also agreed on its work plan for 2011-2013, as well as on the JI Management Plan (JI-MAP), for the year 2011. In addition, the JISC considered the request by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) regarding making recommendations on options for building on the approaches embodied in JI as a part of the COP/MOP’s first review of the JI guidelines, and agreed on the steps to prepare the recommendations.

The JISC also revised the “Provisions for charging of fees to cover administrative costs relating to the activities of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee and its supporting structures.” The document introduces provisions on fees for activities under the Track 1 procedure following the request by COP/MOP 6, and presents the new fees. The JISC confirmed that the revised provisions will be effective from 1 March 2011, in accordance with the COP/MOP’s decision. It requested the Secretariat to communicate the changes to parties’ designated focal points and update the Track 1 web based interface and JI information system accordingly. [Publication: JISC 24 Report]