RSCAPs-Representatives1 October 2014: Participants agreed on a “visioning roadmap” for the conservation and sustainable use of the world’s oceans at the 16th Global Meeting of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (RSCAPs). The ten-year road map addresses: the extraction of living and non-living marine resources; governance; impacts of a changing climate; ocean acidification; and pollution.

The meeting discussed: the role of the RSCAPs in developing a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on oceans within the post-2015 development agenda; progress in the implementation of the Regional Seas Strategic Directions 2013-2016; the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML) and regional actions on marine litter; and the development of a road map for implementing the visioning priorities for the next ten years.

A session on plastics in the ocean assessed the GPML and discussed priority actions to stem the flow of plastic waste in the ocean. Participants identified several challenges, including: better understanding of the source of marine debris; enforcement, cross-sectoral coordination; public awareness; and financial support. Participants also noted the need for coordination among the many international instruments on marine debris, and the challenge for international instruments to regulate national sources of pollution. Participants recommended a three-tier approach to addressing marine litter at municipal, national and regional levels.

Participants also agreed that more work needs to be done to understand the biological and physical impact of microplastic pollution on seas and waterways. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has estimated the annual financial damage of plastics to marine ecosystems at US$13 billion.

During the session on Regional Seas in the post-2015 development agenda and the SDGs, presenters recommended the SDGs build on existing conventions and define measurable targets. They described the role of RSCAPs in the post-2015 agenda as: translating global targets into nationally appropriate actions; supporting technology transfer; leveraging international and domestic private and public financing; and contributing to monitoring, reporting and accountability. Participants suggested SDG targets on: the protection of ocean health and biodiversity; sustainable fisheries; small-scale fisheries; and marine pollution. The discussion highlighted that: RSCAPs have a mandate and role to play in identifying targets and indicators within the post-2015 framework; RSCAPs’ coordination role should be capitalized upon in the post-2015 agenda; and RSCAPs play an important role in regional ocean governance.

The meeting convened from 29 September to 1 October 2014, in Athens, Greece. It took place on the 40th anniversary of the Regional Seas Programme, which is the only legal framework that addresses marine environmental protection at the regional level. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [UNEP Press Release] [Meeting Website] [UNEP Press Release on Closing] [UN Press Release on Closing] [UN Regional Information Centre Press Release]