November 2016: Through October and into early November, two regional meetings discussed the forest industry and sustainable use of European forests, while a third addressed the nexus of science, conservation and forestry in Asia and Oceania.

The 74th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) reviewed activities in data collection, policy support and capacity building. It focused on the commercial aspects of forest-based industries. The 9th Pan-European Green Belt Conference discussed implementing the European Green Belt vision, which looks to conserve the ecology of high-value natural and cultural landscapes while respecting the economic, social and cultural needs of local communities. The first Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) acknowledged the role of research in tackling forest-related challenges in the region and creating opportunities for sustainable forest management.

The 74th session of COFFI was held from 18-20 October 2016, in Geneva, Switzerland. The Committee reviewed and provided guidance on activities in data collection and analysis, policy support, capacity building and communication. It focused on the commercial aspects of forest-based industries, and reviewed the results of work on forest ownership and green jobs in the region. The session was followed by a workshop on the topic, ‘Measuring the value of forests in a green economy.’

The 9th Pan-European Green Belt Conference, held from 31 October to 3 November 2016, in Koli, Finland, provided a platform for exchange of solutions and best practices between Green Belt partners about improved landscape conservation and restoration and enhanced sustainable development. Covering four organizational regions in Europe, Fennoscandia, the Baltic Region, Central Europe and the Balkans, the European Green Belt initiative includes governmental and non-governmental organizations aiming to create a network of natural and cultural landscapes along the line of the former Iron Curtain.

Held from 24-27 October 2016, in Beijing, China, back to back with the 4th Forest Science Forum, the IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania brought together more than 1000 participants. The Congress highlighted research on critical challenges in the region; showcased approaches for the transfer of scientific knowledge to national, regional and international policy agendas; and fostered a common understanding about the status and trends of forests in Asia and Oceania. It adopted the ‘Beijing Declaration on Forests for Sustainable Development: The Role of Research,’ which recognizes the need for improved forest management for multiple purposes through long-term planning and practical implementation that is well-informed by science. The Declaration further highlights: forest landscape restoration; a greater role for forests in mitigating and adapting to climate change; urban forests; better understanding of trade-offs and synergies between different ecosystem services; and enhanced collaboration and partnerships in scientific research. [UNECE Press Release on COFFI 74] [IUFRO Press Release on the 1st IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania] [Beijing Declaration] [Finish Ministry of the Environment Press Release on the Pan-European Green Belt Conference] [European Green Belt Initiative Website]