16 July 2012: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) has reported on its fourth Project Implementers Meeting, which brought together over 30 REEEP-supported project managers from South America, Africa and Asia to discuss current projects and future directions. The conference took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 3-4 July 2012.

In a presentation on REEEP’s future strategy, Martin Hiller, REEEP Director General, expressed the need for the Partnership “to re-orientate itself and assess where and how it can make the best contribution,” considering the many international organizations that have emerged in support of renewable energy and energy efficiency. He said REEEP’s future strategy will particularly focus on: supporting the scaling up of projects; building closer relationships with investors and project developers; and further developing its clean energy information portal, reegle.info.

The Conference also included the following interactive activities: project exhibitions of 26 projects funded or co-funded by REEEP; panel sessions on “Building political will,” “End-user finance,” “Market rules of the game: Business models to upscale your project,” and “Encouraging stakeholder/community participation;” a workshop on energy access; and a discussion on future interactions between REEEP and project developers in the areas of networking, information sharing, peer support and knowledge management. [REEEP Press Release] [Event Webpage]