22 February 2012: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) has released an information paper that showcases the approaches of six parties in creating and operating National Ramsar/wetlands Committees (NRCs).

The paper examines the experiences of six NRCs from Africa, Asia, Europe, Neotropics, North America and Oceania, which have helped deliver the objectives of the Convention and effectively promote the wise use of wetlands. It reviews their structures, composition, decision-making processes, as well as successes and obstacles in delivering the goals of the Convention.

The Paper also outlines a set of common principles of best practices in the creation and operation of NRCs. Case studies featured in the paper are: Uganda’s National Wetlands Advisory Group (NWAG); Thailand’s National Committee on Wetlands Management (NCWM); Austria’s National Ramsar Committee; Colombia’s National Ramsar Committee; US’ National Ramsar Committee (USNRC); and Fiji’s National Wetlands Steering Committee (NWSC). [Ramsar Press Release]