15 November 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) has announced the winners of the 2012 Ramsar Awards. The Awards are granted for wetlands-related work on education, management and science, as well as in recognition of achievement. A special 40th anniversary honorary Ramsar Award also was granted.

The 2012 Ramsar Awards are supported by the Danone Group (France). The winners include: The Wisconsin Wetlands Association, US, for the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award – Education; Augusta Henriques, Secretary General of the NGO Tiniguena (“This Land is Ours”), Guinea-Bissau, for the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award – Management; Tatsuichi Tsujii, Japan, for the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award – Science; and Thymio Papayannis, Greece, for the Recognition of Achievement Award. The 40th Anniversary Honorary Ramsar Award was granted to Luc Hoffmann (France). [Ramsar Press Release]