17 October 2017: Recent publications on opportunities for integrating climate change adaptation with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), adaptation and DRR in Europe, and “climate compatible” development in Asia identify linkages among international climate policy, DRR and sustainable development. A paper makes policy recommendations on budgeting for action under Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in vulnerable countries.
In preparation for the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the UNFCCC, the Secretariat issued a technical paper outlining opportunities and options for integrating climate change adaptation with the SDGs and the Sendai Framework for DRR. Building primarily on discussions held at the technical expert meeting on adaptation (TEM-A), held from 16-17 May 2017 in Bonn, Germany, in conjunction with the 46th sessions of the subsidiary bodies (SBs), the paper seeks to further the understanding of how good practices and lessons learned can enhance implementation of adaptation actions in the pre-2020 period and beyond. [Opportunities and Options for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation with the SDGs and the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030]
The EEA report recognizes adaptation and DRR as conduits for achieving progress in other areas, in particular eradication of poverty (SDG 1), ending hunger (SDG 2) and ensuring healthy lives (SDG 3).
The European Environment Agency (EEA) issued a report titled, ‘Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe: Enhancing coherence of the knowledge base, policies and practices.’ The publication assesses current practices and state of knowledge on adaptation and DRR in the region, and identifies opportunities to enhance coherence between adaptation and DRR in policy and practice at the regional, national and local level. The report recognizes that adaptation and DRR, which are among the main goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, are conduits for achieving progress in other areas, in particular eradication of poverty (SDG 1), ending hunger (SDG 2) and ensuring healthy lives (SDG 3). [Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe: Enhancing Coherence of the Knowledge Base, Policies and Practices] [EEA Press Release]
A Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) working paper titled, ‘Working across scales: Learning from seven years of climate compatible development in Asia,’ analyzes CDKN initiatives in India, Indonesia, Nepal and Pakistan that have led to more effective multi-level pathways of climate compatible development. The paper highlights interlinkages among the Sendai Framework for DRR, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) on financing for development (FfD), the SDGs and the Paris Agreement on climate change, and puts forward design principles for enabling effective, multiscale pathways for climate compatible development. These principles include getting into action early through the use of action research approaches, and adopting a flexible and adaptive management approach to project and pathway development. [Working across Scales: Learning from Seven Years of Climate Compatible Development in Asia] [CDKN Press Release] [WeADAPT Press Release]
Another CDKN working paper focuses on national budgeting for NDC implementation. Titled ‘Budgeting for NDC action: initial lessons from four climate-vulnerable countries,’ the publication examines the evidence of resourcing NDC policies and actions in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda. The paper concludes that achieving the levels of spending “implied” in the first NDCs will be very challenging, given the present and projected levels of public expenditure. It recommends, inter alia, strengthening a small number of ministries through budget planning and reporting systems as an integral part of early NDC implementation, and using the national budget as a tool to assist international reporting to the UNFCCC. [Budgeting for NDC Action: Initial Lessons from Four Climate-vulnerable Countries] [CDKN Press Release] [WeADAPT Press Release]
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