profor-cifor-catie12 November 2013: The Program on Forests (PROFOR) has released a case study on preserving drinking water through sustainable land use management in Honduras. The report notes that climate change is projected to exacerbate water shortages in Honduras, which already result in rationing.

The case study highlights climate change adaptation through the management of forests and trees. Such approaches can, according to the report, reduce flooding, provide alternate sources of income during drought and preserve water supplies. In particular, a study by PROFOR, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) revealed that forest and land management can reduce projected soil erosion by up to 32 percent under one climate model and provide an economic benefit of between US$28 million and US$76 million in avoided costs.

The Government of Honduras ecosystem based approach to adaptation (EBA) includes reforestation, the development of plantations for woodfuel, a shift to agro-forestry on steep land, improved forest fire management, the reduction of forest loss from illegal logging and pests and the implementation of soil conservation measures. However, according to the report, funding is needed in order to implement the above activities and monitoring will be required to demonstrate the benefits of EBA.

The study also recommends the enforcement of related legislation, awareness-raising on the benefits of sustainable forest and land management, and the provision of technical support to farmers to promote soil and water conservation. [PROFOR Press Release] [Publication: Honduras – Changing land use today for a more resilient tomorrow]