PROFOR13 April 2016: The Program on Forests (PROFOR) has circulated its 2015 annual report, which provides an overview of its activities on informing forest sector investments, integrating forest-related considerations across sectors and shaping forest engagement. It also discusses communication and knowledge management, and financial and administration issues, as well as assesses the impact of the Program.

The annual report relays examples of activities and tools informing forest sector investments such as the sustainable management of oasis ecosystems in Tunisia, improving the business climate for planted forests in Mozambique, balancing mining development and forest conservation in the Congo Basin, and information and communications technology (ICT) tools for forest knowledge management and information systems in Indonesia.

The report further highlights PROFOR’s engagement in the global dialogue on forests through several events, preparation of the World Bank’s Forest Action Plan, and analysis on forests’ contribution to climate change adaptation. [PROFOR Press Release] [Publication: PROFOR 2015 Annual Report: Informing, Connecting and Shaping Forest Action]