The third Conference of the Parties (COP-3) to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) is meeting in Dakar, Senegal, from 30 April-4 May 2007.

The meeting’s agenda includes an evaluation of the continued need for DDT for disease vector control and alternative strategies to replace DDT, criteria for the review process for entries in the register of specific exemptions, and measures to reduce or eliminate releases from unintentional production of dioxin and furan and releases. Other issues to be addressed by the COP include: guidance on technical assistance; national implementation plans; listing chemicals in Annexes A (Elimination), B (restriction) or C (unintentional production) of the Convention; reports from the Global Environment Facility (GEF); procedures and institutional mechanisms for determining non-compliance and for the treatment of parties found to be in non-compliance; enhancing synergies within the chemicals and waste cluster and the supplementary report on cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions; and adoption of the 2008-2009 budget.
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IISD RS coverage of POPs COP-3