3 March 2011: Meltek Sato Kilman Livtuvanu,
Prime Minister of Vanuatu and
Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, delivered a keynote address on “Pacific Regionalism: Past, Present and Future” in the context of the Pacific Islands Forum’s 40th Anniversary Leaders’ Lecture Series, on 3 March 2011, in Port Vila, Vanuatu.

Kilman drew attention to the Pacific Plan, which has been implemented since 2006 and addresses climate change, social issues, security and stability. He called for a comprehensive review of its impacts on the lives of the peoples of the Pacific, in order to enable leaders in the region to continue to direct resources and efforts to the Plan’s priorities. He lauded the leaders’ decision in 2009 to set medium-term priorities for the Pacific Plan, as it provided a clear sense of direction and articulated how to deliver on the leaders’ vision for the Pacific as a “region of peace, harmony, security and economic prosperity.”

Kilman also stressed that climate change warrants collective and coordinated responses by groups of nations, while requiring the Pacific to influence global thinking. [PIFS Press Release] [Event Programme]