2 December 2014: UNGA President Sam Kutesa has announced the preliminary organisational arrangements for a series of High-Level Thematic Debates and a High-Level Event to be convened in the first half of 2015, and finalized dates for several of them. According to his note, the events aim to contribute to formulating the post-2015 development agenda and mobilizing means for its implementation. The outcome of each debate and event will be a President’s summary.
The events will focus on the President’s theme “Delivering on and implementing a Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda” and his priorities for the 69th UNGA session. The seven priority areas Kutesa has identified for the year are: the post-2015 development agenda; combatting climate change; advancing gender equality and empowerment of women; strengthening cooperation between the UN and regional organizations; peaceful settlement of disputes and peacebuilding; revitalization of the UNGA and reform of the Security Council; and enhancing the role of the UN Alliance of Civilizations.
The High-level Debates will take up: Means of Implementation for a Transformative Post-2015 development agenda; Advancing Gender equality and empowerment of Women in the Post-2015 development agenda; Promoting Tolerance and Reconciliation; and Strengthening Cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional organizations. In addition, a High-Level Event on Climate Change will convene.
Member States will be invited to participate at the highest possible level, as well as observers, UN Agencies, and other stakeholders. [Letter of UNGA President]