Experts have developed a series of six thematic papers to “provide an overview, a sound scientific basis, and inspirational examples and case studies of synergies between biodiversity and climate change commitments.” The papers cover legal agreements under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the UNFCCC, recent scientific findings, practical implementation aspects related to nature-based solutions, good governance, multi-level implementation, and finance.

Thematic Paper 1 explores linkages and synergies between international instruments on biodiversity and climate change under the CBD and the UNFCCC. The paper notes that existing legal and policy mechanisms can support coordinated implementation of climate and biodiversity commitments. It argues that ongoing negotiations towards a post-2020 global biodiversity framework under the CBD provide the necessary legal and policy space to strengthen synergies in the overall context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Thematic Paper 2 examines the role of science-policy-practice interfaces in ensuring coherent biodiversity and climate change policies and actions. It highlights climate change and biodiversity loss as global security issues whose negative impacts undermine the SDGs and challenge the stability of states and societies. The paper underscores the interlinkages between the climate, biodiversity, and society, which require synergies and coherence in policies and actions, including those related to nationally determined contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).

Thematic Paper 3 unpacks the concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as an approach for the joint implementation of climate and biodiversity commitments. The paper argues that in integrating various ecosystem-based approaches and fostering synergies between them, the NbS concept goes beyond environmental and conservation-focused ambitions by being more aspirational in its social and economic outcomes for sustainable development.

Thematic Paper 4 analyses the role good governance plays in integrated climate and biodiversity policymaking. It argues for further integration of environmental considerations into broader development strategies and sectoral and planning instruments for integrated implementation of biodiversity and climate commitments at the domestic level.

Thematic Paper 5 makes the case for collaborative and inclusive multi-level governance systems to achieve joint climate and biodiversity goals. It underscores the importance of understanding and finding ways to incorporate local actors’ visions, including those of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, into the design of initiatives through just multi-level governance. “It is critical to ensure that capacities and systems are in place to promote sound management of resources at local levels that guarantees the efficient implementation of initiatives and helps attract further funding,” the paper argues.

Thematic Paper 6 underscores the need for more coordinated joint climate and biodiversity funding at the international and national levels, and offers examples of possible sources of finance. The paper highlights that collaboration between the UNFCCC and CBD, through their financial mechanisms and the mobilization of resources, can be key “in avoiding the further aggravation of biodiversity and delivering positive outcomes for both agendas.” It also argues for joint financing of biodiversity and climate action at the national level.

Published as a package, the papers were developed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), via the ‘Support Project for the Design and Implementation of the New Global Biodiversity Framework (BioFrame)’ and the ‘Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA),’ funded under the International Climate Initiative (IKI), in cooperation with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). [Publication: Linkages and Synergies Between International Instruments on Biodiversity and Climate Change] [Publication: Linkages Between Biodiversity and Climate Change and the Role of Science-Policy-Practice Interfaces for Ensuring Coherent Policies and Actions] [Publication: Nature-Based Solutions: An Approach for Joint Implementation of Climate and Biodiversity Commitments] [Publication: Good Governance for Integrated Climate and Biodiversity Policy-Making] [Publication: From National to Local Implementation: A Collaborative, Multi-Level Effort to Achieve Joint Climate and Biodiversity Goals] [Publication: Delivering Financing for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Solutions] [Thematic Paper Series Landing Page]