SPC logo13 June 2014: With the goal of advancing the Pacific region’s agenda on gender, sustainable development and climate change within UN bodies, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Diverse Voices and Action for Equality (DIVA for Equality) and the Pacific Youth Council convened representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs) and UN missions for the regional meeting ‘Pacific Partnerships to Strengthen Gender, Climate Change Response and Sustainable Development.’

The conference, which was held from 9-13 June 2014, in Nadi, Fiji, aimed to: strategize and agree on Pacific priorities and state-civil society partnerships to advance transformative gender, climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR) positions in the post-2015 and UNFCCC multilateral negotiations; identify how CSOs and national women’s machineries can support negotiators from Pacific missions in their global advocacy; and discuss how to strengthen monitoring of implementation of policies, and promote transparency, accountability and dialogue.

The week concluded with a high-level meeting, which resulted in an outcome statement that puts forth ten points to be reflected in the post-2015 development agenda. The document calls for: gender equality to be crosscutting across all sustainable development goals (SDGs); the mainstreaming of gender in climate change action; increased gender-responsiveness of public climate finance; meaningful engagement of all sectors of society in DRR; the institutionalization of the role of civil society in priority-setting and accountability; the strengthening of institutional and human capacities to address gender, climate change and DRR; a stand-alone goal on oceans; halting the loss of global biodiversity; fair and equitable trade agreements; and a stable, multilateral and equitable global financial system.

The meeting also featured a two-day Civil Society Forum, which resulted in a statement that reflects the main elements of the high-level outcome document, with additional points on: the correction of economic discrimination of women; a stand-alone SDG on climate change with a gender perspective; exploring innovative strategies for quality, comprehensive and inclusive social, health and education systems; and investing in women and girls in rural and remote areas.

Various women-led CSOs were partners of the event, including the Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA) and Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN). [SPC Post-Event Press Release] [SPC Pre-Event Press Release] [SPC Press Release, 19 May 2014] [GGCA Event Entry] [IISD RS Sources]