3 October 2011: The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) has announced the approval of US$1 million funding for a solar power project on Rakahanga in the Cook Islands.

The project is funded by the Pacific Environment Community (PEC) Fund, a commitment by the Government of Japan of ¥6.8 billion (approximately US$66 million) to support Forum Island Country (FIC) projects with a focus on the provision of solar power generation systems and sea water desalination plants, or a combination of both.

According to PIFS, the project will provide the Rakahanga population with increased access to reliable and secure solar energy. The project is expected to displace the need for generator fuel, unless there is an emergency, and is expected to result in significant cost savings. PIFS says the Cooks Islands Government is committed to prioritizing energy conversion in the most isolated and vulnerable locations. Rakahanga is one of the most northern islands.

The Cook Islands is the second Pacific Island country (PIC), after Samoa, to benefit from the PEC Fund. According to PIFS, there is US$4 million available for each PIC for projects with a focus on the provision of solar power generation systems and sea water desalination, or a combination of both. [PIFS Press Release]