PIFS18 October 2012: The Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, Henry Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, delivered the 2012 Annual Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Lecture in Suva, Fiji, on 18 October 2012. The theme of the lecture was “A New Optimism – A More Dynamic Pacific Plan.”

Puna said the Pacific Plan provides a blueprint of Pacific regional priorities, and said the forthcoming review of the Plan should ensure it remains responsive to the region’s needs. Puna outlined the importance of the Pacific’s fisheries, which he said are inextricably linked to economic growth, sustainable development, good governance and security, thus cutting across the four sectors of the Pacific Plan. He also stressed the importance of oceans for the region, noting the establishment of Marine Protected Areas, and the ongoing research into the potential for seabed mining.

Puna also spoke on the significance of “Pacific Regionalism” and its success stories. He underscored the success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands as a highlight of regional cooperation that strengthened governance, security, and conflict management.

Finally, Puna outlined the efforts of Polynesian leaders to share knowledge on energy developments, stressing the need to enhance the region with clean, green energy systems. [PIFS Press Release] [Lecture Transcript]