13 November 2013: In preparation for the fifth meeting of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG 5 on SDGs), Major Groups will participate in an Intersessional Dialogue with Member States and other stakeholders on 22 November 2013. Draft background papers for the topics discussed at the intersessional meeting have been released, and stakeholders can submit comments on these drafts by 15 November 2013.
The four topics of the background papers are: Practical approaches to rights-based SDGs that include the three dimensions of sustainable development; SDGs designed to eradicate poverty, mitigate inequality, and lead to inclusiveness; Making good governance and multi-stakeholder partnerships the building blocks of the SDGs; and Designing SDGs that foster human and economic development within planetary boundaries. The papers include guiding questions and background resources for further reading.
Comments on the papers can be submitted through the UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform Website. The Intersessional Meeting will take place in UN Headquarters in New York, US, and will be the first of two intersessional interactions between stakeholders and Member States. [Intersessional Background Papers] [Stakeholder Participation in OWG]