18 February 2013: Applications for participation by civil society organizations (CSOs) in the fourth meeting of the UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) are now being accepted, according to plans announced on the Panel’s website. The HLP meeting will take place in Bali, Indonesia, from 25-27 March 2013.

Applications for civil society involvement, available on the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development website, are due by 6 March 2013. The list of CSO participants will be announced on 8 March.

According to the recently released plans, 150 CSO participants will meet in a “CSO Pre-Consultative Forum” on 24 March, to prepare for engagement with the HLP. The official Stakeholder Outreach Day, held in a town-hall style, will take place on 25 March, to allow engagement between HLP members and civil society. The program for 25 March is being developed by Outreach focal points in the Indonesian government, the HLP Secretariat and the Executive Office of the Secretary General (EOSG).

The CSO consultations are being organized jointly by CSO working groups and coalitions from Indonesia, the Asian region, and the African, Latin American, MENA, North American and Pacific regions.

This fourth meeting of the HLP will focus on six framing questions, addressing: partnerships between governments and stakeholders for development; specific Panel recommendations on means of implementation; accountability and monitoring mechanisms; the challenges of coherence among organizations and processes; the affordability of proposed goals; and building and sustaining a global consensus. [Application for CSO Participation] [INFID Website and Meeting Details] [Announcement of Stakeholder Outreach Events] [HLP Website]