Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary Convention on Biological Diversity On the occasion of International Youth Day, 12 August 2008 12 August 2008: On the occasion of International Youth Day
(IYD2008), Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD), stressed the threat posed by climate change to biodiversity
and noted the relevance of the IYD2008 theme: “Youth and Climate Change: Time
for Action.”

Citing examples of projected biodiversity loss, he
underlined the interconnectivity between climate change and biodiversity and
the urgent need to take action. He explained that biodiversity loss is not only
a consequence of climate change, but can also aggravate its effects. Noting
that to face the future, the youth will require preparedness, risk reduction,
adaptation and mitigation, he underscored the importance for them to take
He outlined the CBD’s support to youth learning, networking and
awareness raising activities, and invited all young people to take a pledge to
discover the biological diversity around them, explore ways to communicate
their knowledge about the threat of climate change on biodiversity, and
minimize its adverse impacts. [CBD Executive Secretary’s message]