Coral Triangle InitiativeADBMay 2014: The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) celebrated its fifth anniversary at the 5th CTI-CFF Ministerial Meeting (MM5). Ministers agreed on an 18 point Joint Ministerial Statement at MM5, which addresses fisheries management, threatened species and the establishment of a permanent Secretariat, among other items.

At the MM5, Timor-Leste and Solomon Islands became the third and fourth countries to ratify the Agreement on the Establishment of the Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF, following ratification by Malaysia and Indonesia. The Philippines and Papua New Guinea (PNG) have signed the Agreement, a first step towards ratification.

In the Joint Ministerial Statement, Ministers agreed to: apply the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Regional Framework and the Coral Triangle Marine Protected Area System (CTMPAS) Framework “in our respective national policies as may be appropriate;” and to establish the Threatened Species Working Group and its terms of reference. There are now five technical working groups under the CTI-CFF, each of which corresponds to one of the five thematic goals of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action (RPOA). The fifth working group, the Threatened Species Working Group (TSWG), was approved at the CTI-CFF MM5.

The Statement further approves: a resolution authorizing the Interim Regional Secretariat (IRS) to establish administrative arrangements and financial management systems for a permanent Secretariat; and the 2014 and 2015 Operations Plan and Budget of the Regional Secretariat. The 2014 Operations Plan focuses on three areas of work: completing the institutional framework for the Secretariat; establishing the Secretariat office and systems; and maintaining core Secretariat functions. The permanent Secretariat, which will be based in Manado, Indonesia, is expected to liaise with CTI-CFF partners on the implementation of CTI-CFF plans and actions, implement the CTI regional roadmap and facilitate regional meetings, among other activities.

The Statement also recognizes the initiatives and progress made by the CTI Women Leaders Forum and reaffirms the observer status of Brunei Darussalam, which is in the process of complying with requirements to become a CTI-CFF Party.

At the MM5, John Pundari, Minister for the Environment, Conservation and Climate Change, PNG, became the Chair of the CTI-CFF Council of Ministers (CTI COM), taking over from Ewon Ebin, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia. The CTI COM chairmanship rotates among the six countries every two years according to a predetermined schedule in alphabetical order based on the Party name. The Philippines is the new Vice Chair. The two-year term runs through 16 May 12016.

Also in May, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) released several publications on the CTI, including: the ‘State of the Coral Triangle’ reports for Indonesia, Malaysia, PNG, the Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste; ‘Economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Coral Triangle;’ and Regional State of the Coral Triangle-Coral Triangle Marine Resources: Their Status, Economies and Management.’

In June, the CTI countries will celebrate the third annual ‘Coral Triangle Day,’ which is commemorated on 9 June.

The MM5 took place on 15 May in Manado, Indonesia, alongside other CTI-CFF related events at the World Coral Reef Conference (WCRC). [Manado Joint Ministerial Statement] [The Agreement on the Establishment of the Regional Secretariat] [ADB Publications Website] [IISD RS Story on WCRC] [Press Release on Secretariat] [Press Release on CTI-CFF Chair] [Press Release on Coral Triangle Day] [Press Release on 2014 Budget] [Press Release on Minsters’ Endorsement of MPA Framework] [Press Release on TSWG] [Press Release on Brunei Darussalam][CTI Press Releases]