21 September 2012: The Organization Led Initiative (OLI) on Forest Financing convened to respond to requests from the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) to: analyze gaps and opportunities in forest-related financing; identify and propose options to overcome barriers to financing; and develop proposals on improving financing, including through a voluntary global forest fund.

The meeting took place from 19-21 September 2012, in Rome, Italy. In order to achieve the above, OLI reviewed the work of the 2012 Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) Advisory Group on Finance (AGF) Study on Forest Financing, discussed best practices and lessons learned in forest financing and developed suggestions on future options for forest financing.

Participants also discussed member country and organization experiences in the implementation of the Forest Instrument and the Global Objectives on Forests, as well as innovative approaches to financing, and partnerships with the private sector.

Meeting deliberations were supported by keynote presentations by Uma Lele, International Expert, on the way forward on forest finance, and Rachel Kyte, Vice President of Sustainable Development for the World Bank, on forests across sectors.

The report of the OLI meeting will be submitted to the second meeting of the open-ended intergovernmental ad hoc expert group on forest financing (AHEG2), which was established by the special session of the ninth session of the UNFF. [Meeting Website]