21 March 2012: The Executive Committee (ExCo) of the Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems (OES), an International Energy Agency (IEA) Technology Initiative, has pushished its 2011 Annual Report, which provides an overview of its 2011 activities and projects, country reports presenting national actions, funding and projects, and four expert articles on Marine Spatial Planning.

The report offers an overview of the OES ExCo’s work program and collaboration with IEA initiatives, as well as the ExCo’s publication of the “International Vision for Ocean Energy” brochure, a new activity that will be further developed in 2012. The report also elaborates on three projects on: Review, Exchange and Dissemination of Information on Ocean Energy Systems; Assessment of Environmental Effects and Monitoring Efforts for Ocean Wave, Tidal and Current Energy Systems; and Exchange and Assessment of Ocean Energy Device Project Information and Experience.

For each member and observer country the report provides an overview of several topics, including: strategy and national targets; support initiatives and market stimulation incentives; main public funding mechanisms; relevant legislation and regulation; publications relevant to the ocean energy sector; overview of government funded research and development; examples of collaborative international projects; operational ocean energy projects; and new developments on ocean energy.

The report further features four articles written by invited experts on the theme “Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Ocean Energy” discussing: the key elements of MSP; MSP in the European Union and its application to marine renewable energy; the relationship between MSP and ocean energy siting in Oregon; and regulatory barriers to the development of ocean energy projects in the US and New Zealand.

The report closes with an overview of statistics on ocean energy in 2011, focusing on research and development; technology demonstration investment; worldwide ocean power installed capacity; and an overview of electrical utilities involved in research and development, and demonstration. [Press Release] [Publication: Annual Report 2011]