Climate Change Mitigation: What Do We Do? 28 November 2008. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has published a booklet entitled “Climate Change Mitigation: What Do We Do?” that reviews the economics behind climate change mitigation options.

The publication summarizes recent OECD analyses, including on the role
of technological innovation and the impacts of policies to address
carbon leakage. It provides arguments to help policy makers explain why
postponing decisions, using the current financial crisis as an excuse,
is a short-sighted policy. The analysis suggests an ambitious abatement
strategy, allows for “breathing space” during the next 10-15 years, and
stresses that this opportunity must be taken advantage of to avoid a
“price-shock” that would be required if the strategy is delayed. The
analysis indicates that every year of delay reduces this breathing
space while raising the stringency of the measures required to meet the
objective. [The Booklet]