Oecd16 May 2008: The economic impact of climate change, rising food prices and a broad range of other trade, growth and development issues will be discussed at the OECD’s annual ministerial meeting, to be held from 4-5 June 2008, in Paris, France.

The OECD Forum 2008, to be held in parallel to the ministerial summit on 4 June 2008, will also provide a venue for government leaders, OECD experts and representatives of business, labor, civil society and the media to debate how to build a solid economic framework for combating climate change beyond Kyoto. Speakers at the Forum will include: Prince Albert II of Monaco; Doris Leuthard, Switzerland’s Federal Councilor for Economic Affairs; Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank; Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría. [OECD Press Release, 21 April 2008] [OECD Forum 2008 website]