OECD_NEW1 December 2014: Ministers and high-level representatives in charge of migration discussed ways to identify and promote policies that better use migrants’ skills for the benefits of societies and economies, at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Second High-level Forum on Migration. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the Forum in his message, “planned and managed migration policies that give due regard to sustainable development” are critical in addressing migration and labor needs.

In an opening address to the Forum, which took place under the theme, ‘Mobilizing Migrants’ Skills for Economic Success,’ OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said “the majority of migrants to our countries take up jobs that are complementary to those of natives,” and called for overcoming preconceptions on migration and working together to create inclusive societies and economies.

Describing migration as “one of the defining challenges of our times,” Ban recommended developing comprehensive and holistic policies to enable legal and regular migration.

Increasing movement within EU countries is driving migration in OECD countries, according to an OECD report released at the meeting. ‘International Migration Outlook 2014′ analyzes migration trends, flows and policies in OECD countries and selected non-OECD countries, and contains chapters on migrants’ labor market integration and policies to manage labor migration and support economic growth. “Migration policies should be a priority for OECD countries,” Gurría stressed at the report launch. He said integration policies should be seen as “the best possible investment in terms of growth, social cohesion and well-being.”

The 2014 forum took place at OECD headquarters in Paris, France, from 1-2 December. [OECD Secretary-General Statement] [UN Secretary-General Message] [Forum Website] [OECD Press Release on Report Launch] [Publication: International Migration Outlook 2014]